Chuck Steel: Night of the Trampires
I worked on Chuck Steel for almost 3 years between 2015-2017, starting as a puppet dept runner & being promoted to junior animator, assistant animator and then full animator. I learned how to sculpt in plasticine on this production, making many background puppets faces and then moving onto main cast. I also sculpted in plastiline making hands and legs which went on to be moulded and cast. These sculpting skills served me well as I moved on to the shoot floor where we were animating using the sculpt through process of animation on singles whereby you destroy the previous mouth shape in the process of making the next one. I started animating all of the life sized plasticine hand shots and eventually had entire sequences and multiple units assigned to me which I AD’d myself as well ad doing my own rigging. Note- some of these pics the puppets have temp eyes & hair.